Look around and find any three people, and you would find at least one among them who is conscious about reducing tummy. For most of the people, reducing fat is one of the important area to work on. Sooner or later, each one of us, Googles information to have a balanced diet and a finer look. Of course, it is better to kill a few cells in and around button to reduce belly rather than doing trouble-walk and suffer daily.
Incidentally, the third sentence of the above paragraph is also applicable to me. Having read a couple of blogs like this, I decided to share my own views on what it is called a Diet Plan.
Reminds of my Science teacher at school who said that, "A balanced diet provides all of the nutrients our bodies need, by the consumption of an appropriate amount of elements that contain energy. It is has no nutritional or calorific imbalances that might lead to inappropriate body weight (being under- or overweight) or to general health problems. A person’s nutritional and energy requirements depend on their age: a healthy adolescent does not have the same needs as a sedentary elderly person, a pregnant woman or a professional sportsperson".
No single food material contains all the required items for a balanced diet and thus, the question remains, "What is a balanced diet?".
A balanced diet is based on three basic principles:
1. Meeting the body’s calorie or energy requirements.2. Meeting nutritional requirements.
3. Eating a varied diet to have foods from different groups.
Reading about Nutrition gives an idea about how to fulfill above three objectives but apart from eating a balanced diet, following key points are to be kept in mind:
- Take water
- Water molecules are required to disintegrate food molecules and hence avoid their collection in the body. Whatever!! Take around 2-3 Ltrs. of water everyday and you would be fine.
- Eat regularly
- You can reduce fat by eating, literally. Regular eating habits is one of the most important lesson in a suitable diet plan.
- Don't stress
- An increased belly sometimes causes stress which initiate other problems as well. Don't stress when you have a belly because 33% of world is with you.
- Have a proper diet
- A regular diet and a proper diet are different things. Proper diet contains all the items which are prescribed in balanced diet which you have to eat properly (timely).
- Stop comparing
- Don't compare with others. Compare with yourself.
- Control your mind
- Eating junk and oily foods is a bad habit. Instruct your mind not to ask a chips pack when your eyes see one!
One out of the remaining two people I was talking about really want to increase their weight. So don't worry if you have some weight, you are with the majority of people who want a change in their life. Stop "Daily-Belly" increase, choose a suitable diet plan but remember to recognize yourself in your new slim look.