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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Procedure to Join VSRC IITKGP Google Group



I have seen many boarders of VSRC seeking to join group mail and find no help publicly anywhere which prompted me write the procedure to join the same. Please follow the steps:

Step 1: Click on the following link:

Step 2: Click Sign in to the Google Group. If you are already logged in, goto the next step.

Step 3: Click on Apply for Membership

Step 4: Choose the options as per your preference regarding the emails you receive. Though other options might be suitable for you, it is recommended to choose "Send each message to me as it arrives" as it will give you a real-time insight of what's going on around.

Step 5: Provide your room number in VSRC to assist the admin and Click on the button "Apply to this group".

Your request will be processed soon and we hope you would enjoy your stay in Vikram Sarabhai Research... Oops... Vikram Sarabhai Residential Complex!

P.S. You may also request to join VSRC group on Facebook by clicking the top right button on this page. Researchers Get Social. :-)

Read the Ph.D. post here.